27th March
Well, it's been an interesting few days. I've got myself a job. And I also helped break up an international smuggling ring. More details to follow.
Oh, but before I write it up. Important information!!
This is me
This is Sherlock
Okay? Criminals of London, please note which is which! It'll save us all a lot of time and hassle. I've changed my profile picture back to avoid any further confusion.
In other news, Sherlock's had another of those coded messages, if you fancied proving yourself. Go to The Science of Deduction .
I'm not even going to ask!
Bill Murray 27 March 21:22
Not going to try the secret message yourself, John?
Sherlock Holmes 27 March 22:09
I am an experienced medical doctor recently returned from Afghanistan.
Harry Watson 27 March 20:11